Umialik Lights Newsletter

A Message from Stacey Matteson

As COVID-19 continues to change the way that we operate, both at work and at home, I hope this message finds you safe and well! Like each of you, we at Umialik are adapting to the changing business environment we find ourselves in, and we continue to strive to provide our agency partners with consistent, excellent customer service. Thank you for staying in touch with us and staying engaged during this unprecedented time.

The last time we saw many of you – in person – was at our Annual Agency Summit in March, where we celebrated our Circle of Excellence partners and our Award Winners for 2020. Allow me to congratulate once more, our Award Winners for 2020:

I would also like to take a moment to celebrate and thank our agencies with milestone anniversaries:

Thank you all for your continued service and support of our mutual policyholders.